In the theme, for the featured image there are predefined image sizes so that all your images are uniformly cropped.
We recommend to the set featured image based on the layouts you are using for your single post.
Please use the images of the following sizes (in px) with Cookery theme.
- Cookery Slider Full: 1920 x 760
- Cookery Slider: 480 x 640
- Cookery Promotional: 366 x 231
- Cookery Single Post: 768 x 500
- Cookery Single Post Two: 1220 x 600
Note: When you upload an image, it is automatically cropped to the recommended size. In the Pro theme, we have added the feature to enable/disable the automatic cropping of your images.
To Enable/Disable Automatic Image Cropping.
- Go to Appearance> Customize> General Settings> Posts(Blog) & Pages Settings
- Select the “Blog Post Image Crop” to avoid automatic cropping of featured images in home,archive and search posts.
- Select the “Single Post Image Crop” to avoid automatic cropping of featured images in single post.
- Click on Publish.